Thursday 20 February 2014

New Features in .NET 3.5

This is short note of new features in .NET 3.5

1.    Server Centric  AJAX by Script Manager Control and Update Panel Control
2.    Client Centric AJAX by Microsoft AJAX Library
3.    Seamless use of ASMX and WCF-based Web services form Web Pages using Microsoft AJAX Library
4.    Forms Authentication, roles management and profiles are now exposed as Web Services
5.    New List View , Data Pager, LINQ Data Source
6.    Multi targeting – Development of Web application to specific versions of the .NET Framework, including versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5
7.    The ASP.NET Merger tool enables you to combine and manage assemblies that are created by the ASP.NET Compilation Tool

Add-Ins and Extensibility
1.    Powerful and flexible support to developers of extensible application.

Common Language Runtime
1.    HashSet<T> Collections
2.    Diagnostics – Event Schema Trace Listener  class for tracing end to end, schema-compliant events
3.    I/O and Pipes : Pipes provide inter process communication within the network
4.    New Latency Mode property in GC Setting class in garbage collector
5.    Reflection and Reflection Emit in Partial Trust
6.    Better Reader/Writer Lock in Threading

1.    There are new cryptography classes for verifying and obtaining information about manifest signatures for Click Once application
2.    It supports Suite B set of cryptographic algorithms published by the National Security Agency

1.    Peer-to-Peer Networking
2.    Socket performance enhancement

Windows Communication Foundation
1.    WCF and WF Integration – Workflow Services
2.    Durable Services
3.    WCF Web programming Model
4.    WCF Syndication
5.    WCF and Partial Trust
6.    WCF and ASP.NET AJAX Integration
7.    Web Services Interoperability
a.    Web Services Reliable Messaging  V 1.1
b.    Web Services Reliable Messaging Policy Assertion V 1.1
c.    Web Secure Conversation V 1.3
d.    WS-Trust V 1.3
e.    WS – Security Policy V 1.2
f.    Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS – Atomic Transaction) Version 1.1
g.    Web Services Co ordination (WS – Coordination) Version 1.1
h.    Web Service Policy 1.5 – Framework
i.    Web Service Policy 1.5 – Attachment

Windows Presentation Foundation
1.    Forward and Backward Compatibility
2.    Firefox Support for XBAPs

Windows Workflow Foundation
1.    WCF and WF Integration
2.    Rules engine now supports extension methods, operator overloading, and the use of the new operator in your rules.

Windows Forms
1.    Click Once Improvement
2.    Authentication, Roles and Settings Services
3.    Windows Vista Support
4.    WPF Support

1.    Language – Integrated Query (LINQ) is a new feature in  Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5.
2.    Use of LINQ for querying .NET Framework collections, SQL Server Databases, ADO.NET Datasets, and XML documents

Expression Trees
1.    Expression trees are new in the .NET Framework 3.5, and provide a way to represent language-level code in the form of data.

Reference Link:

Friday 18 October 2013

Beauty of GUI

How do design an esthetic Graphical User Interface? It is a million dollar question. Before we enter this topic, first we understand the word beauty. 

The above flower is more beautiful. The technology behind the beauty is
1.    Symmetric (if you cut a shape at the middle, then you get a two shapes that are looking equal) 
2.    Repetition of the single shape
3.    Not more than 2 to 3 different shapes

First we find the symmetric in this flower. Simply we can say every where it is symmetric, the entire shape almost round with a curves.  Round is the best example for symmetric and the curves also symmetric.

Next one is the repetition of shape. In this flower, all the petal and filaments are in the equal shape. And repeating the petals and filaments are making the flower beautiful.
In this flower, only two shapes are there that is petal’s shapes and filament’s shape.
I f the GUI’s designer follow the above golden rules, and then the GUI’s designer can make a beautiful GUI.

You can realize the above 3 golden rules with all the beautiful building which may be in heritage or modern.

The beautiful GUI contains
1.    Uniform fonts and controls (i.e. repetition of shapes) throughout the screen.
2.    Left and right equal amount of controls (i.e. symmetric )
3.    Don’t use more than 2 to 3 shapes (in case of GUI design, all the controls are in square and rectangle shapes where the GUI designer don’t worry about the shape complexity)

Thursday 17 October 2013

Business Verticals: Automotive Industry

All our car, motorcycle, buses, Lorries and heavy vehicles’ production companies are come under this category.

First, we should learn the demographic strength of the automotive industry. If you well versed this data, then easily you can estimate the software requirements. If there is more production, then software requirement is high…

Chart Data Source : Wikipedia

From the bi chart, we can learn China takes 24% of production, United Stated takes 13% of production and India takes 5% of production in the given countries list. In China and United States, we can get more automotive projects in the given list of countries.

Secondly, we should learn the yearly progress of the automation industry.

hart Data Source: Wikipedia

From the chart, we can understand that the year 2009, the growth is down by more than 10%. Therefore the year 2009, ultimately the software requirements are dull. But in the year 2010, the growth rate is increased by more than 25%.
Finally, we learn about the domain players.

o    GM               
o    Volkswagen                       
o    Toyota                       
o    Hyundai Motor                       
o    Ford                       
o    Nissan                       
o    PSA                       
o    Honda                       
o    Renault                       
o    Suzuki                       
o    Fiat                       
o    Daimler AG                       
o    Chrysler                       
o    BMW                       
o    SAIC                       
o    Tata                       
o    Chang'an Automobile Mazda                       
o    Mitsubishi                               
o    Dongfeng Motor                               
o    Geely                               
o    FAW                               
o    Saipa                               
o    BAIC                               
o    Chery                               
o    Fuji                               
o    AvtoVAZ                       
GM, Ford, Toyota are the major domain players in this indust


Wednesday 16 October 2013

Composite Business Data

Composition is the strong binding between the data. It means that if we destroy one part of data, where it automatically deletes all other part of data.

                  Composite Business Data are inevitable in all Business, where the most of composite data are in the transaction (i.e. day to day operations, like billing, depositing money to the bank and etc) of the business.
 The most popular composite data generation or creation example is invoicing or billing, where header details are stored in a separate table and line details or item details or stored in a separate table. 

But as per the software developer prospects, the two data tables have separate properties and even very clear about uniqueness of the two data tables.

 As per the software user or data entry operator prospects where there wasn’t any different world. Software user is vice versa thinking of the developer, where he can’t see any kind of separation, because most of the invoice and bills are in single printed and bound sheet with filling data in pen, in his previous technology. And if he knew all these things then he would really thing about “The God must be crazy”.

 The software project manager should govern all these three aspects i.e. the end user or the bench marker of the application, and his software business back bone or the software business driver, software developer.
The following there worlds are marking the business composite data or invoice or billing application

1.    Data entry window
2.    Header items (i.e. Invoice or bill number date and customer details) data table
3.    Line items (i.e. Invoice or bill’s products details, unit price, quantity, total amount) data table

Now the developer makes connection between his header table world, line table or item table world by the F.K and P.K concepts.

A short form of P.K, in development world, is primary key. This is a unique value in the table i.e. if the value 8678 is in the primary key value means where it never repeats again. 
Instead of using the entire header table row value, we can use only the primary key value i.e. like a postal code. By using the postal code we can tell, district, state and city.

Like a human being, every data has its own life cycle and fate.
1.    Initialization
2.    Propagation
3.    Termination

     Initialization is the birth of data, propagation is the modification of data or copy of data, and termination is the deletion of the data.

Here, the fate of data likes a human being where the data may be gone by accidental data base crash, or system crash, or the data may be copied into a platinum disk.