How do design an esthetic Graphical User Interface? It is a million
dollar question. Before we enter this topic, first we understand the
word beauty.
The above flower is more beautiful. The technology behind the beauty is
1. Symmetric (if you cut a shape at the middle, then you get a two shapes that are looking equal)
2. Repetition of the single shape
3. Not more than 2 to 3 different shapes
First we find the symmetric in this flower. Simply we can say every where it is symmetric, the entire shape almost round with a curves. Round is the best example for symmetric and the curves also symmetric.
Next one is the repetition of shape. In this flower, all the petal and filaments are in the equal shape. And repeating the petals and filaments are making the flower beautiful.
In this flower, only two shapes are there that is petal’s shapes and filament’s shape.
I f the GUI’s designer follow the above golden rules, and then the GUI’s designer can make a beautiful GUI.
You can realize the above 3 golden rules with all the beautiful building which may be in heritage or modern.
The beautiful GUI contains
1. Uniform fonts and controls (i.e. repetition of shapes) throughout the screen.
2. Left and right equal amount of controls (i.e. symmetric )
3. Don’t use more than 2 to 3 shapes (in case of GUI design, all the controls are in square and rectangle shapes where the GUI designer don’t worry about the shape complexity)
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